On the left is the Cem Sultan Hotel which even though a disastrous night was had, I think its not going to give me any more surprises - hopefully.
So on with the day in which I had a ramble around the vicinity which includes the Blue Mosque. I think it was a bit too late to go inside with the crush of probably thousands of tourists. In wandering around it is obvious that tourism is Istanbul's big earner.
The legendary carpet shops abound everywhere with the customary offers of big reductions and free shipping to anywhere you want. Maybe I'll test them out and ask someone to knock off the shipping after a lengthy haggle and see what happens. On the other hand I dont think I've got the patients for that.
Women of course have to cover their shoulders because they are women!!!! |
This rather reminded me of the queue waiting to get into the cathedral in Santiago de Compost Heap. |
Lots of feral cats here. This one likes the mosque. |
Me and the mosque |
I didn't feel to much like anything very adventurous so I stayed fairly near the hostel. Some Roman artifacts still remain, and also the remains of prominent Sultans.
An obelisk and the Serpent Column in the foreground from around the 3rd century. |
Ahoj Derek, I see you have pulled a nice bird in Turkey,